In An Ordinary Way
Tired and railed as the dawn
devours pages Mine eyes have seen
the glory of intricately woven babies’
breaths connected to the flight paths
of eagles
the monoliths ring in the streets
which are snowing themselves silly,
though disappearing as they will I am
Same as you
and everybody I furrow my brow
(in concentration),
like faint blue fruit juice, and say as many
beautiful things as possible
to hear them
echo through you, and so eventually
back to me
I wonder if anyone I love is even awake
right now And then, as if in answer
to my thought, Melanie’s first
of the morning footsteps
the house, which is reassuring
in an ordinary way I’m not looking
for epiphanous calamity, a dramatic last call
in the wake out behind me
I just want to know
that all is not lost, that forgiveness
is common-sense-easy to acquire,
that today will be a lot
like yesterday and tomorrow,
the continuance of something
that we get to be a part of
at once both familiar and alarming
about the author