Waxwing Editors

Poetry Editor
Iliana Rocha(she/her)
Iliana Rocha is the 2019 winner of the Berkshire Prize for a First or Second Book of Poetry for her newest collection, The Many Deaths of Inocencio Rodriguez, from Tupelo Press. Karankawa, her debut, won the 2014 AWP Donald Hall Prize for Poetry (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2015). The recipient of a 2020 CantoMundo fellowship and 2019 MacDowell fellowship, she has had work featured or forthcoming in the Best New Poets 2014 anthology, as well as Poetry, Poem-a-Day, The Nation, Virginia Quarterly Review, Latin American Literature Today, Oxford American, and Blackbird among others. She earned her PhD in Literature and Creative Writing from Western Michigan University and is an Assistant Professor at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Her three chihuahuas Nilla, Beans, and Migo are the loves of her life.

Poetry Editor
Alyssa Jewell(she/her)
Alyssa Jewell coordinates the Poets in Print Reading Series for the Kalamazoo Book Arts Center and is a Ph.D. student at Western Michigan University. Her poems have appeared in Best New Poets 2016, Virginia Quarterly Review, Poetry Daily, Colorado Review, Denver Quarterly, Witness, North American Review, and Poet Lore, among other publications. She is co-editor of poetry for Third Coast and served as an assistant reader and editor for seven years at New Issues Poetry and Prose. She lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where she teaches ESL and creative writing courses.

Poetry Editor
Sara Lupita Olivares(she/her)
Sara Lupita Olivares is the author of Migratory Sound (The University of Arkansas Press), which was selected as winner of the CantoMundo Poetry Prize, and the chapbook Field Things. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in The New York Times, Black Warrior Review, Salt Hill Journal, Fugue, The Colorado Review, and elsewhere. She lives in the Midwest and is an Assistant Professor of English at the University of Illinois Springfield.

Fiction Editor
Audrey Bauman(she/her)
Audrey Bauman is a PhD candidate at the University of Utah, Fiction Editor at Waxwing, and Graphic & Arts Editor at Quarterly West. She received her MFA from Northern Michigan University. Her work has appeared in Puerto del Sol, Hayden's Ferry Review, and others.

Fiction Editor and Social Media Editor
Allison Field Bell(she/her)
Allison Field Bell is a PhD candidate in Prose at the University of Utah, and she has an MFA in Fiction from New Mexico State University. She is the author of the poetry chapbook, Without Woman or Body, forthcoming in 2025 from Finishing Line Press. Allison's prose appears or is forthcoming in SmokeLong Quarterly, DIAGRAM, The Gettysburg Review, The Adroit Journal, New Orleans Review, West Branch, Alaska Quarterly Review, and elsewhere. Her poems appear or are forthcoming in The Cincinnati Review, Passages North, THRUSH Poetry Journal, RHINO Poetry, The Greensboro Review, Nimrod International Journal, and elsewhere. Find her at allisonfieldbell.com.

Nonfiction Editor
Ashton Freeman(they/them)
Ashton Freeman is a Brooklyn-based writer and artist. They are pursuing their MFA at The New School and received their BA from Sarah Lawrence College in 2023. Freeman's work has appeared in Foglifter, Milk Press, and Love & Squalors. They are a nominee for the 2025 PEN/Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize for Emerging Writers. To find their work, search under rocks, in your sock drawer, and the late afternoon.

Translations Editor
Tyler Goldman(he/him)
Tyler Goldman's poems and translations have appeared in The American Poetry Review, Virginia Quarterly Review, Poetry International, Poetry Northwest, Copper Nickel, and elsewhere. He holds a PhD in English Literature and Creative Writing from the University of Utah and teaches at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, where he lives.
Managing Editor
Amy Sailer(she/her)
Amy Sailer is a Ph.D. candidate in Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Utah. Her poetry appears in Michigan Quarterly Review, Cincinnati Review, New South, Hotel Amerika, Meridian, and Sycamore Review, where she won the 2020 Wabash Poetry Prize, and she has received support from the Willapa Bay Residence program, the Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the Arts, Winterthur Museum, Garden, and Library, and the William Morris Society of the United States. She lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, with her husband and son.

Site Design
Beautymark Design Studio
Waxwing was lovingly crafted under the art direction of Jason Robinson (he/him) at Beautymark Design Studio in Flagstaff, AZ. The site was developed by Steve Tyree of Denver, CO, with invaluable assistance from Eddie Hillenbrand and Erin Stalcup. The waxwing feather illustration was produced in pen & ink (and graciously donated for our use) by Brian Kramer in West Orange, New Jersey. Thanks also to my lovely wife Aline: o poema eu amo traduzir mais do que todos.
Waxwing’s prose and poetry are vivified by the clarity and elegance of the Adobe Caslon Pro family, based on the enduring typography of William Caslon (1693–1766).