Sonnet for Maleficent, the Horned Sorceress
I was just learning being girl’s a curse, a surefire
contract between me & a billion dumb furies,
when you green-plumed into the sky & came back
monstrous. You, shucked out the womb with that
devil-brow. You, whose name means a kind of wicked
men can’t muster. Yes, you opened under blade but you
did it dripping sicklight & fume. Fringed & huge. Small
as I was I decided: I want to die like that. While my mother
said gentle, sleep, I’d hunker in sunfried grass, gather
greenglass and stone. Jam branches behind my ears, big
as my neck could bear. To every shape that thought me
fellable, I’d hum Now shall you deal with me,
O Prince, breath hot as a girl can muster.
& — I swear — I heard smoke.
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