Night{Call} Stars :: Who Shine Less Brightly :: After Eating a Planet

Rosebud Ben-Oni  

Nightcall your tides, the red. Giants butchered. Fish in shallows &. Gulls fought over skunned scraps, their cries. Still twist & tweeze night. -calling requiem of scales. & guts. & corroded nails you. ‘d dug up in sand. Soft, mealy rust struck. Fingertips. Stunned. Your. Lips. Froze & fixed. Tongues. In fisheries heavy. -gloved & eye. Urgency bumped as if you weren’t. Fresh catch. Tuna & hake & mackerel. & manta too: stripped. From calling :: dried-up. Wizened under them, those. Giants spit fire. Spun angels fallen in night. {call} -to sea because they skunned. & dimmed. Grew horns & spined. Tails to. Swim. Alone most their lives. Without bite or injurious not. Fins but nightcalls naked. & torn-flight. Flung mouth a nil & nix, surviving basest. Of elements you emptied glitch. Shell{ed}. Burst when he first :: made you :: eat them


:: call now the urgent look! Roguing your eye. Skuns upward. Rollers wrecking by. Ear-deep & nigh :: burns into feet & groin & please. Boring worn help with spindly claws me is. Calling the smallest red giant ever seen. Fighting rough waves & falling. To knees. Pick it up. Gently. Younggull, dull bones & fuzz & debris. Stay home & keep it warm between bra & please. Sock & shredded ribbon. Look after it until coarse & vermillion. Can’t tell any. -one. Shame is skunned & this love he shows. You. ’ll stop bathing. Loose please & hems unravel up to trunk & knees. Hush help when little red giant eats alive & me. Shrinks. In jetsam when he. Sticks us in a rusty can &. -don’t strikes through feed. Sea fills with shrunken & dull. Divinities I’m. Scour any wrench I’m. Water never again I’m leaves your lungs. A body disappearing, port of call next. Night sings distant fishermen curious-ing. you wash. Up after being pulled. Apart no. One not one he promises will. Intervene.


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