After Lisa Fay Coutley
When I say it started with power
lines that were buried
below ground, I mean the children
I want are missing. They can’t be seen
without a microscope, yet even the shower
drain needs a respite from blood. I mean
the body is a basin I empty & empty
of birds. The word woman is stolen
from wife, not womb. See: to own;
to be owned. God only knows what I own
if nothing inside my body can be trusted.
The man I love lies inside the dark bend
between my past & future, where I’ve lived
as the city a thousand stoplights ago.
When I say I’ve been happy, I mean there
are some heroics I can muster
& marriage might not be one of them. Somehow,
every city looks habitable in hindsight. Like winter,
as it squares off against time again
tonight. When I say I blame myself, I mean
the wind will not be held. I mean the wind chimes
silver with hurt. I mean I love what I can’t have
as I love anything — full of greed, yet
unsteadily. See: the scattered horizon
of my heart. The flightless trees,
unbodied after the fall.
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