O lume

María do Cebreiro

Tirei o anel ao río. Algunhas cousas

son un peso morto. Fabricamos

obxectos de metal porque desconfiamos

da duración dos vínculos. Eu confiaba

na auga. Cría que levaría o anel

e o guiaría ata morte, máis escura

e constante do que a vida.

O río non foi quen de lavar nada.

Nin os recén nacidos poden nacer de novo

nin os resuscitados poden renacer.

Sentei onda a varanda. Unha beira

dicía: «O río que move as plantas

é o río que as afoga». A outra beira

dicía: «A vida ten espiñas pero un día,

de súpeto, aparece unha flor».

Un bautismo de lume é o que precisas.

Vida, terra queimada. Quero ser

como o lume e ver o lume arder.



translated by Jacob Rogers

I threw the ring into the river. Some things

are a dead weight. We make

metal objects because we lack faith

in the duration of bonds. I had faith in

water. I thought it would carry away the ring

and guide it to death, darker

and more consistent than life.

The river couldn’t clean away a thing.

There’s no being born again for the newborn,

just as there’s no rebirth for the resurrected.

I sat down on the bank. One side

said: “A river that shifts plants is

a river that drowns them.” The other side

said: “Life has spines but one day,

out of the blue, a flower will bloom.”

What you need is a baptism by fire.

Life, scorched earth. I want to be

like flame, I want to watch the fire burn.


about the author