Why Is the United States the Most Fortunate Child of the Earth?
I am in the backseat of somebody’s car
evidence of their lives scattered about
a hotel room key a flash drive
I am being driven toward death
closer to it but it is the same when I
am standing still
in my coat I shrink against the cold
so much space between me and fabric
my arms clappers in the iron of a bell
when will death come for me
for my family I presume it will
be quick it won’t languish coating us
like lotion from a small nozzle
Christians in this nation rejoicing
for death in what they and many others
consider a holy land Christians believe
this war is necessary many deaths necessary
to bring about the destruction of Earth
a good thing in their minds Rapture
Hell for many though not them
they wish to live to see this horror
to praise it but nothing will happen
while we live nothing we won’t live
the car has stopped the stone
pathway is slick in the rain and leads
upward comfort me feed me tell me
I’m pretty my friends hold me against
their bodies little growths on the face
of this nation itself a growth
colorful and flowerlike when
represented on maps or satellite
imagery flecks within hoping for
death on an unimaginable scale
about the author